Abstracts Submission

The deadline for abstract submission is: 18/06/2024
The deadline for abstract evaluation results is: 19/07/2024

I – Instructions for submission of absctracts

To submit an abstract it is necessary that the author responsible for the submission of the abstract is enrolled in the event, with the payment for their registration confirmed. The other authors who register for the congress must not resend the already registered abstract.

The submission of the abstract is done exclusively via the Congress website.


To submit an abstract, proceed as follows:

1) Access the restricted area by informing your login and password chosen during registration. New menus will be displayed.

2) Click on the [My Abstracts] menu.

3) Follow the screen instructions to access the submission form. Fill in all the fields of the online form.

4) Before submitting the abstract, please review it carefully. Any changes will be allowed only until the deadline for submission.

* The author responsible for the submission must complete all the fields on the online form. All communications related to the abstract will be sent only to such author on the registered e-mail and they are responsible for passing it on to the co-authors.

5) When you finish submitting the abstract, click the "Log Off" button.

6) After submission, an automatic e-mail will be sent to the person responsible for the work (who submitted it), confirming the information registered. Check if everything is correct. If there are any mistakes, you must access your restricted area and make the relevant changes (which can be done by the deadline for submission).

8) If you do not receive the automatic email confirming the submission on the same day, the abstract may not have been sent correctly. In this case, contact the HelpDesk and inform them about the event and the problem.

9) For new web access, just enter the LOGIN and PASSWORD. If you have forgotten, use the "Remember Password" option.


II – Instructions for preparation of abstracts

• The title should be concise and reflect the study presented, with a limit of 250 characters.

• The text of the abstract must not exceed 3000 characters with spaces (not including the title and authorship/affiliation).

The abstract of a research should be typed in a single body, and the following order is suggested: Introduction, Objective, Method, Results, and Conclusion.

The abstract of a case report should be structured in the following order: Case Presentation, Discussion, and Final Comments. Considering that case reports make an important contribution to the exchange of experience among professionals, the Commission recommends that only reports of unusual cases with atypical development or really rare cases that have significant relevance, be submitted.

• The institution or institutions where the work was carried out, as well as the names of the authors, MUST NOT be mentioned in the body of the text.

• Do not include images (photographic materials, imaging exams, etc.), graphs, or tables in the abstract. These must be included only in the material that will be presented at the congress.

• Up to 3 keywords must be informed.

• Bibliographic references should not be included in the electronic submission. It is suggested that the authors refrain from using abbreviations.

• Results based on statements such as “the results will be presented” and or “data will be analyzed” will not be considered. These should be exposed as clearly as possible and the conclusions should be based on the data presented. In this case, if it is an ongoing study, for example, the authors should present preliminary results. In the same way, we will not accept abstracts whose results, from the same work, are distributed among different abstracts.

• Case Report with no clear originality and relevance that justify their presentation will not be accepted.

• Abstracts that contain only a literature review will also not be accepted.

• Commercial names are not allowed, only generic names of drugs, written in lowercase.

III - Important information

• The abstract should be sent in Portuguese, English, or Spanish. It is essential that it is grammatically correct, otherwise, this may be grounds for rejecting the work.

• The deadline for submitting abstracts is 18/06/2024.

• We will accept up to three (3) abstracts per registration.

• Each abstract may include a maximum of 04 (four) authors. Enter the authors in the desired order. When the main presenter is an undergraduate student, they must specify a supervisor which will be the last author.

IMPORTANT: The presenter must also be included in the list of authors.

• The result of the abstracts evaluation will be disclosed in the author’s restricted area, in the menu [My Abstracts] on 03/07/2024.

• The presentation must be done by the person indicated when the abstract was submitted. If that is not possible, another author of the abstract must do the presentation, provided that they are registered for the event and have paid the registration fee.

• The main author may choose their preferred form of presentation of the work. However, the Scientific Committee reserves the right to change this choice.

• It is a condition for the submission of abstracts to adjust to the standards defined, as well as to accept to present the approved abstract on the day and time defined by the Committee. The Committee reserves the right to organize the presentations in the way best suited to the organization of the event. 

• Attention: All materials produced about the works (conference proceedings, certificate, among others) will be a faithful reproduction of the information submitted by the author. Therefore, it is not possible to make any changes regarding the spelling of the title, abstract, or authors’ names after the deadline for submission. Please note that the information provided is the sole responsibility of the author submitting the abstract. Incomplete names (due to abbreviations or the omission of one or more surnames) will not be changed and will feature in the official program and digital certificate as they were informed by the main author at the time of registration.

• To receive the certificate for your abstract after the event, one of the authors listed must be registered and have participated in the event.

• Only one (01) online certificate will be issued per submitted abstract. The certificates will be made following the registered order of authors.

• The final decision of the evaluation committee is considered supreme, irrevocable, and unappealable and will not be reviewed. Abstracts that are not accepted for oral presentation can be presented via poster, and the authors will be informed of this decision.

• By submitting papers, the authors declare they have complied with the laws and ethical standards that govern research involving humans and animals, including approval by the Research Ethics Committees and Committees on Animal Research and Ethics.

• The Scientific Committee reserves the right to reject abstracts without informing the reasons for the rejection.

• The submission of the abstract represents a commitment of the author(s) to present it if accepted, during the event.

• The Organizing Committee and the Scientific Committee of the congress will not be liable for the content of the posters, which is the responsibility of the authors, as well as for the costs of transportation, accommodation, or any other expenses related to the presentation of the works.


IV - Topics


V - Instructions for approved abstracts - Oral presentation


VI - Instructions for approved abstracts - Electronic poster


VIII - Publication

Abstract accepted and presented during the congress will be published in the Journal of the Brazilian College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (JBCOMS).

IX - Certificates

After the congress, the certificates of the approved abstracts will be available to the author responsible for the submission on the congress website (conditional on his/her attendance at the event). To print or download the PDF file, you must access the "Certificates" menu, located on the congress homepage, enter the registered email, and fill in the Satisfaction Survey.

Important notice: the certificates will not be sent directly by email.

• A certificate will be issued with the title of the abstract, in the approved modality, and the name of all authors registered at the time of submission. This certificate will be available to the author responsible for submitting the abstract. It is valid for all authors and can be shared by the author responsible.

• At least one of the authors must be registered and have attended the event to receive the certificate later.

• If the author responsible for submitting the abstract has not attended the event, one of the coauthors (who attended and presented the paper) may request the transfer of the certificate through the Help Desk menu.

• A certificate of presentation of the abstract will be issued, containing the title of the work, the approved modality and the name of the presenter. If the presenter of the work is different from that informed at the time of submission, the change must be requested through the “Help Desk” on the congress website.

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